
My Soul Sings

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I believe in uniqueness. In part of that I believe that God can uniquely speak to all of us in different ways. I firmly believe He ALWAYS speaks to us through scripture but He can also use people, music, a quote, a poem, etc.

For me personally I hear a lot through worship and praise. Music speaks to my soul. At the end of 2012 my husband and I sat down in November and December and wrote out personally and family goals for 2013. I began to pray in those two months about a verse to lean on and a song. Finally, the day came when I felt the Holy Spirit telling me which song I would lean on in this year. Please take a moment and listen to it:

For those who know me personally you may already know why this song is SO powerful in my testimony for this year. This past year began incredibly hard. I honestly had gone through so much in 2012 that at times I felt that God had abandoned me. That He just wasn't there. This song was like a personally letter from Him.

"You were singing in the dark, whispering your promise, even when I could not hear. I was held in your arms, carried for a thousand miles from shore, not for a moment did you forsake me, not for a moment did you forsake me."

God has not promised us a life without pain. What He has promised is to always be there. When I was going through serious marital issues last year/earlier this year, God did not leave. When I was in a horrible custody battle over my daughter Kaidance, God did not leave. He has never forsaken me. This song has become part of my testimony for this year. It helped remind me that God is always good and that I needed to trust Him. I began focusing my devotional studies on trust, on God's character. Leaning in on His scriptural promise that, "all things will work together for those who love Him."

There were times where I was driving back from an appointment with my attorney, feeling defeated and this song would be played on a radio station. Tears would stream down my face. He has NEVER forsaken me. Other times I would feel as though my marriage would never be restored, that we could never have a "honeymoon forever" feeling. This song would come on. Shouts of praise would radiate through my mouth. This song was a promise. And God has never forsaken me.

So....thank you Meredith for heeding the Holy Spirit in creating this song as a reminder of who God is.

So what's in store for 2014? Well, since you asked I will share! God just gave me the song for 2014 this week and I was just amazed at how awesome and different the songs were in my testimony. I went from listening to a song to help encourage me to trust to a song that clearly shows how far I've come. I believe this song is a taste of the growth I hope to experience in 2014.

Please enjoy. (Jesus Culture, You are my Passion)

1 comment:

  1. If you are still studying the character of God a great book is the Attributes of God by AW Pink. It is excellent. We have been slowly reading through it in our womens group at church. It has really helped me understand and grow closer to God. And the book is saturated with Scripture. :)
