
Thirty Before Thirty

Saturday, November 29, 2014

I like getting older. I was an awkward child. I always smiled but my teeth were all crooked and I was loud and obnoxious { some things don't change much I suppose }.

I am still young though. Even though I am the healthiest I've ever been, the prettiest I've ever been, I still have so much to do. So much to see. So I am making a 30 before 30 list and I'm going to accomplish every single one.

1. Visit a Starbucks in every state in the U.S.A

2. Go on a missions trip

3. Record a CD of lullabies for my children

4. Vacation in Europe

5. Learn spanish fluently { for real! }

6. Finish and finalize my degree

7. Run a half marathon

8. Run a full marathon

9. Go scuba diving

10. Go horse back riding at dusk

11. In the year I'm 29 - do an act of random kindness every day for the entire year

12. Go stargazing

13. Plant a tree

14. Write a book

15. Share my story in a large public setting

16. Learn to play the violin or cello.

17. Go on a random weekend trip; no plans, no reservations, just a bag and your car.

18. Star in a film or play

19. Jump off a waterfall

20. Do a warrior themed photo shoot

21. Visit an orphanage

22. Meet my father

23. Visit a volcano

24. Go on a cruise

25. Visit a castle

26. Read the Bible completely

27. Visit the Holy Land

28. Get out of debt

29.  Experience a real, pure, and Godly love from a man

30. Then marry that son of a gun and go on a romantic get-a-way that people only dream of ( ha ha)

Lets do this.

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