
Trials and Tribulations

Saturday, February 7, 2015

One of the most difficult parts of the Christian life is that fact that becoming a disciple of Christ does not make us immune to life's trials and tribulations. Why would God, who is good and loving and compassionate, allow us to go through such things as the death of a child, disease, injury or pain, financial hardships, worry, etc. Surely, if He loved us, me, He would take all these things away from us? After all, doesn't Him loving us mean He wants our lives to be easy and comfortable? Well, no, it doesn't.

In fact, it's quite the opposite. The Lord wants us uncomfortable so that we can grow. So that our faith can be tested. So that we can withstand more and more. Being real and transparent here, I am going through some of the hardest tribulation and trials I've ever faced. I'm a single mom. I have no job. No money. My car by the grace of God is finally getting fixed; but I'm still having to use others.

He's growing me. And let me say this. I trust in my God. I trust in my savior and in my King. My tribulations and trials have nothing to do with my lack of faith. In fact, He's growing me in this area beyond what I've ever imagined. Every single day this week God has allowed a trial and I felt extremely alone in the physical. But spiritually not many knew or know that I feel strong. I feel comforted, I know that my King is with me.

As in all things, God's ultimate purpose for these things is so that I will be made more in the image of His son, Jesus. The same goes for you, when you are being tested. I know I'm not alone in this. Neither are you. Your trials, the ones He is allowing, they are for a purpose. And that purpose is growth. 1 Peter 1:6-7 states, "In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which perishes, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

Tested by fire. Fire hurts! Tribulations hurt. Yes, I have cried this week. Yes, I have felt physically alone. But my faith, being more precious than gold will be tested and I will honor and glory at the revelation of just how BOLD and beautiful Jesus is.

So here are a few things that can help you get through your trial. They seem unconventional. I promise, they will help you. These are the things I've been doing this season.

1. Give Thanks

Sometimes being thankful in a difficult situation is the most difficult thing you can do. Yet, Scripture is very clear about this response: “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (I Thessalonians 5:18). To be thankful rather than to complain takes a conscious act of the will and a sacrifice of natural desires.

Thanking God in all things does not mean that we thank God for evil. It means that we are thanking God for the benefits He intends for us when He allows things to happen.

2. Rejoice! 

Along with giving thanks, we also are instructed to rejoice in all things: “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). Thanking God is an act of the will, but rejoicing is a response of the spirit. Therefore, it is possible to be sad and joyful at the same time. We cannot escape the pain of a difficult situation, but we can learn to rejoice in God Himself and in the good things God will do through our suffering.

Remember, when you are the one supporting someone going through a trial and tribulation; sometimes the best thing they need is for you to just be there. Comfort them. Hug them. Wipe away their tears. They can rejoice and still be sad. This doesn't mean they are faithless, or being punished, or not seeking God's face.

3. Believe and Act on the Word of God

When Jesus was tested in the wilderness, He responded to each temptation by quoting Scripture. For example, when Satan urged Christ to turn stones into bread, Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy 8:3: “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). We can follow Jesus’ example and successfully engage in spiritual warfare by proclaiming truth in the face of tests and temptations.

The LAST thing you need to be in trials and tribulations in silent. You need to proclaim God's truth over your life, over your families, and over the situation at hand. BE BOLD and approach God's thrown.

4. Cry Out to God

Job even in his suffering CRIED out. It's OK! perhaps the greatest reason God has for taking us through the trials of life is to bring us to the firm conclusion that we need God. What is God’s purpose in giving us commands that seem impossible to carry out? He desires to work powerfully through our lives; therefore we must learn to depend on Him. He alone must become our source of strength, provision, protection, and direction. God will send the appropriate people into your life to help guide you and be with you, but at the end of the day, He is the one who will sustain us.


Those are just four things I'm leaning on currently. Those closest to me, those privileged get to see the rough edged Meg. I recommend you not just tell everyone, everything, in your season of trial and tribulation. Not everyone will walk with you through it in the way you need them too. Make your needs known; those who care and love you deeply will do whatever they can by the grace of almighty God to help you.

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